Heritage Talks
Have a look at these historical films and learn about days gone by.
Local History Talks are held regularly at Gympie Library and across the Gympie Region. View the presentations below.

Timber Tales
Discover the early history of timber exploration and felling in our region with an amazing collection of early photographs of local bullock teams that carted huge timbers, sawmills and the forestry industry.
This was a presentation held at Gympie Library on Thursday 1 June 2023

Take a tour of some of the theatres that were once the place to go in the Gympie region.

Communications: Post Offices, Telegraphs and Postcards
Discover the Gympie region’s early postal history, postal infrastructure and telegraph offices. This talk also takes a look at some of the local postcard makers and stationers.

Researching your House History
Have you ever wondered about the history an old house you have lived in? Learn about resources available, where to start and where to find out more.

Garages and Servos
Remember when you had full driveway service at a garage? Take a look at some of our historic garages and service stations.

Terrific Transport
Discover the history of some of the old trucks, cars and buses used in our region.

Processions and Carnivals
Carnivals and Processions were held for many different events throughout history - dignitary and royalty visits, celebrations of peace and victory, remembrance of the passing of soldiers and pioneers, or commemorating anniversaries. Take a look through our slideshow of carnival and procession events from Gympie over the years.
The Gympie Times Christmas Supplements
A showcase of the Christmas Supplements as published by The Gympie Times as special extras for the holiday period, circa 1880's to 1914.

Gympie Ladies Benevolent Society
Gympie Ladies Benevolent Society first formed in 1871, but was short lived – then formed again 20 years later. In 1891, the Colonial Secretary's office wrote to town mayors and recommended towns establish benevolent societies (if not already established) to receive government monetary support....and thus the Gympie Ladies Benevolent Society was revived!
Discover the history of the Gympie Ladies Benevolent Society.

March Forth with Music
A wonderful showcase of brass bands, marching bands, musical and choral groups from the Gympie region. Gympie has a rich music history stemming from the musical miners who formed bands through to the successes of many band contests, and hosting the first Queensland Eisteddfod.

Gympie Flood History ~Part One~ 1870 – 1968
Take a look at some photos from the earliest recorded flooding of the mighty Mary River in Gympie and surrounds. The biggest recorded flood to date was the Great Flood of 1893, which peaked at 25.45 metres. Bill Mulholland wrote (1979) of the 1893 flood "a legend that will persist into the future until, perchance, some day there occurs a still greater flood".

The History of Mary Street, Gympie
Discover the history of Gympie’s main street. On 2 May, 2018 Dr Elaine Brown presented a local history talk at the Gympie Library, title "The history of Mary Street".
Central Mary Street
Take a virtual walk down Central Mary Street, Gympie through different time periods as we showcase a few of the businesses, businesspeople and building facades throughout the early history of Gympie's main street.
Dairy Industry ~ Wide Bay Cooperative Dairy
The Gympie region would rise to be one of the leaders in dairying in Australia, exporting butter around the globe. Have a look through the formation of our dairy industry from the Gympie Central Dairying Company to the Silverwood Company and then the formation of the Wide Bay Cooperative Dairy.
40th Anniversary Muster Talk
Take a look into the history of the Gympie Music Muster from its humble beginnings to the impact it has had on the region.
Take a leisurely look at the early social scene of the Gympie region. Join us to relish in celebrations, picnics, and get-togethers from Gympie region’s history
Memorial Park
Take a walk down memory lane of Gympie's Memorial Park and Laneway to celebrate the centenary of its official opening (20 April 1921). A wonderful slideshow of images of the park and surrounds through the last 100 years.
Visit our Past in Print page to download a free booklet on the history of Memorial Park.

Wide Bay Regiment
Remembrance Day
We start with a one-minute silent memorial photo montage to remember and honour the memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts. The one minute’s silence will be followed by a history of some of our region’s memorial plaques, parks and halls.

Memorial Park and Laneway: A Place of Remembrance in Gympie
Learn about Gympie’s Memorial Park, which was opened in 1921 by Sir Major-General Thomas William Glasgow.
This project was created for Gympie Regional Council’s Q100 Red for Remembrance (1918 – 2018 We Will Not Forget) community event and is proudly supported by the Queensland Government.
You can also read the book Memorial Park, Gympie. Visit The Past in Print to download.

Queensland’s Emu Plume: the Kangaroo Feather
Did you know that the Gympie Brigade became one of the first companies to wear the emu plume? This is the story of how the emu plume in the hats of soldiers came about, and what it means.
This project was created for Gympie Regional Council’s Q100 Red for Remembrance (1918 – 2018 We Will Not Forget) community event and is proudly supported by the Queensland Government.

Captain George Thomas
Watch the story of Captain George Thomas who served in World War I in Gallipoli and France. Learn about his time as the mayor of Gympie and his advocacy for returned soldiers.
This project was created for Gympie Regional Council’s Q100 Red for Remembrance (1918 – 2018 We Will Not Forget) community event and is proudly supported by the Queensland Government.

The Home Front: the Impact on Families During World War I
Discover what life was like for women left to run farms, families and households during World War I.
This project was created for Gympie Regional Council’s Q100 Red for Remembrance (1918 – 2018 We Will Not Forget) community event and is proudly supported by the Queensland Government.

The Larrikin Streak: Humour in Adversity
Where is our sense of humour come from? This is the story of how the larrikin spirit grew in World War I.
This project was created for Gympie Regional Council’s Q100 Red for Remembrance (1918 – 2018 We Will Not Forget) community event and is proudly supported by the Queensland Government.

The Fires of Gympie
Learn how the burning down of some of Gympie’s buildings have affected the town over the years.