Gympie Region Heritage Trails

The Gympie Region Heritage Trails bring the history of the Gympie region to life. Follow the trail and learn the stories behind the buildings, parks and bridges of the region. Get to know the people, places, and events that have made the region what it is today.

There are 34 places of interest on the trail across Gympie, Mary Valley, Cooloola Coast, Goomeri and Kilkivan.

Each location along the trail has a number to help you find your way from one location to another. There are silver signs on the front of each site with a story about its history. If you have a smart phone, there are QR codes which take you straight to the website.

The numbers and locations on the website link you to Google Maps and the trails brochure.

The website is full of interesting facts about the region. Visit us at:

 Gympie Heritage Trails website